Pepper The New Robot By Aldebaran Pepperrobot

2014-09-07 28

A man called us thinking we were a hearing aid company, we are not. Then he proceeded to yell at me and demanded I tell him the number he is trying to call. How would I know the number he's trying to call?
[] once got asked while working at a cinema, "Whats the difference between a £5 and £10 gift voucher?"

"About 5 pounds?"

or at the same cinema
"Whats the difference between sweet and salted popcorn?"

people are stupid.
[] That's a fuckload of bees
[] I read up about it and also the background on how those papers got accepted, and i was really shocked that Cell even accepted them in the first place. Cellular reprogramming based solely on pH? Who would accept that?
[] Ah, true. It's been too long.
when I wear heels in the backseat

[] We're never safe...
[] Whoops I just did the math it's 1989. Time to make a new post :/
[] Not what, who.
[] Dogs "smile" when they're annoyed. So... yeah. He's basically saying "go away".
[] One could only dream of such an opportunity.
[] Rudolf Hitler did nothing wrong.
[] I was born, and this is how I am
[] Probably not.

Other than a protrusion at the top of the buttocks, there are no symptoms of vestigial tail. In most cases no vertebrae are present in the tail, though nerves and blood flow are present. If the tail is not removed, it could interfere with sitting.

As a side note, I know somebody who was born with one.
[] The most unaffordable glacial deposit, east of Manhattan.
[] There were also times where the writing left out details until they were suddenly dropped on you like you were supposed to already know it. Not to mention that Dirk must have bug eyes, or the woman must have been wearing some nice heels, as the common human facial bone structure kinda keeps the eyes in a concave area. Between the brow and the bone under the eye, the face curves in some, and that's where the eye is located. So that'd have to be a small heel or a huge head. Then, the bone to the non-nose side of the eye sticks out enough that the eye can be pushed back to be even with it with only some mild discomfort. Did it myself, even. Try it.

Lastly, if you're smacking a guy with a shovel and pop his eye with your heel, you're not getting charged with just "disorderly conduct". That'd at least snag you battery, aggravated assault, and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. This woman wouldn't be released so easily from jail. She'd be getting booked. The victim doesn't necessarily have to press the charges, either. Depending on your crime, most states can and will still charge you with violent crimes. Now, if it was a squabble and she just slapped Dirk, then it'd be up to him whether to press charges or not. But beating a man with a shovel and causing permanent bodily disfiguration? Yeah, you're screwed no matter what.
Gandhi was all about segregation.

That leaves no room for being about Indian independence - which he was, so "all about segregation" is certainly an exaggeration, and truth needs no exaggeration.
[] Made me think of this.
[] Oh, that's good.

You could do a whole thing on just dog breeds... like, a compass of English Pointers or, a boomerang of retrievers.
[] I'm sorry. THings just got a little out of hand.
[] Hannibal Buress?
[] OP, this post was so good. I never knew just how deeply I don't get Eli Roth until I read this. Thank you for expressing everything I felt while watching Green Inferno.
[] I've been asked that after they actually searched for something that we didn't carry, or didn't have in stock. They were polite about it and one of them even apologized.
[] Because it's a funnel.
[] I don't as long as they're not blowing the smoke on my face.