Operación Tip Por Una Publibidad Libre De Tópicos

2014-09-07 3

Whoever says money can't buy happiness can go fuck themselves
[]Grocery store. Customer asked where to find the grass fed salmon. Unbelievable.
[]25, my lucky number, dunno why it's just super lucky for me.
[]the more annoying one are "hey are you guys still open"

(meanwhile all the chairs are up no one is in the store and there is a giant sign 1 foot away from the door saying we're closed)
[]Smough and Ornstein.
[]I too worked at McDonald's and never heard this
[]Just aim and just do what you feel. Squat if you have to so you don't make a mess! Lol just do it
[]In the 2007 version he wasn't in the game. They added him into this version because in MW3 there is a flash back to that scene. Basically they ret-conned it. As far I know after killing him the game continues on as if he never existed just like it would have in the original 2007 version. It's just an Easter Egg to stick with continuity of the ret-conned scene.
[]Thank you for aspiring to be this. Both of my parents are like this an it only has made me decide I don't trust them at all anymore.
[]"How many are in a five-pack?"
[]IT guy here. A lady asked ME how HER laptop screen broke.
wanting to take back your sovereignty is racist

Well that notion is a bit silly, because taking back your sovereignty simply implies you replace one elite with another - you as a normal citizen won't have much, if anything, more to say about how the country is run. You'll get lucky with one election cycle, and then have to watch at the sidelines as the other guys run the country again.

That said the idea of this being racist is of course absurd.
[]Technically true
[]Squared cube rule
[]I find it hard to do extended runs on the treadmill due to my lungs still being covered in tar, I also don't have the same depth of breath that a non-smoker would have so it's seriously hard work to keep myself oxygenated. I find it strange that I always start yawning at the gym after a while, must be because i'm not taking in enough air for the strenuous work, or maybe i'm just tired. I wish I could do more weightlifting, i always start on cross-trainer and treadmill to warm myself up and hopefully build up some stamina, but by the time I've done a few sets on a few weight machines, the breathlessness has taken it's toll on my muscles and I have to call it a day.
[]Have you ever seen the Youtube video The Cloak? I'd link it but I'm on mobile. It's by filmcow and surprisingly relevant to this comment.
[]It's what c-sections were invented for right?
[]Most AI researcher seem to agree that we won't get to AGI by simply doing more of the deep learning (and / or symbolic AI) that we're doing today. There will be a few conceptual leaps involved, and we don't know what they are yet. But they don't look at all impossible.

And of course we may get there first by whole brain emulation, which is more-or-less an interative straight-line process, consuming more and more resource as the resource gets exponentially cheaper.
[]That's a niche market. You should get on that. Also, you'll need an industrial cleaning solution, and a ragtag team of sex fluid enthusiasts that won't mind cleaning up jizz and other bodily fluids.
[]I got kicked out of the house. My neighbors did not appreciate me being in there.
[]I know I'm late, I just wanted to say how glad I am that someone can get better from being depressed. I didn't personally have any major problems, but my friends do and it just seems so helpless from the outside...

I'm really happy for you!!
[]I eat too much for those same reasons.
[]Gondolas run constantly. There are a bunch of them on a wire that runs in a loop. Here's an example of one: https://www.floodsmart.gov/floodsmart/pages/residential_coverage/policy_rates.jsp
[]Usually being of low socio-economic status means that;
you arent always able to attain the required materials or tuition
Low SES homes are more prone to violence which is distracting and can displace an individual
education isnt favoured, more likely to pursue a trade than further education
Can need to drop out early in order to support family


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