Spot Campaña Abonados Cajasol

2014-09-06 2

That dude who got mauled by a grizzly doesnt have anything on this guy.
I'd like a 50/50 mix of squid and pig's anus to see if I can notice the difference.
Wow. Bravo.
is that all what you can say? 'do you know any vegan kids?' LOL
IIRC he doesn't need to breathe (at least, he doesn't need to until his solar energy runs out or if red Kryptonite fucks with his powers)...
Im calling "insurance claim" on this episode. There are many holes in this story. Including that she freed herself. The doorman was handcuffed. Im sure they didnt use shoe strings on her. Lol.
You'd survive.
At this point, many are not looking for good. They'll settle with "not Hillary or Trump".
Exactly right. His hair isn't moving, his clothes aren't reacting to being in a fluid. He's not underwater.
Hm. Every place I use my card, you swipe it yourself and choose cash back or not. The cashier just accepts it once you've input your info. Never bought anything inside a gas station, either.

Guess now I know better if that happens.
Woah, haven't seen Ham since The Sandlot.
No no, Canadians are born with a far better ability to survive (and thrive!) in our newfound environment.
Written by a college kid with no attachment to reality, history, or human nature
Trying to figure out the breakdown here.

So your deductible is $3500? Which you already met before getting this new medical bill of $6460?

Then the insurance company negotiated final bill to $2000?

Is this a co-insurance you have to pay?
I technically attended this in theatres but I was a teenaged girl on a 'date' so I'm fairly sure I pash a boy the whole way through it. I was a bit of a slut like that.
The Grudge was the one that had that for me. My ex and I had been living in a townhouse and we had both, at different times, seen a ghost in the house. I hadn't told him about my experience, so when he had his and described exactly what I had seen, I knew it was real. Fast forward a bit and we went to see The Grudge. The first time the swirly smoke started coming from the ceiling, we both looked at each other, terrified, because that was exactly what we had seen in our house.
What you're doing right now? That
Chew tobacco.
Ahh reddit, where you're selfish for not spending your money the way I want you to
While being hospitalised in a critical condition
Obviously. It's not a fair comparison by a long shot, as Westworld has production values heavens above any of Whedon's shows. It's still remarkable how much thematic overlap they have, however.
The "rules of the road" don't say what to do in these situations, though. That's the point. The rules of the road say "don't crash" (essentially). But when something goes wrong, and a crash is inevitable, there needs to be programming for how to make that decision.

The rules of the road are very, very minimal. Operating a motor vehicle is far more complex.
I've been flying helicopters for 87 years