Google Street Car Captures Brazilian Motorcycle Crash

2014-09-05 59

You never know what Google cameras will catch. In January, a Google Street car that had been mapping a road in Brazil captured a scary motorcycle crash.

You never know what Google cameras will catch. In January, a Google Street car that had been mapping a road in Brazil captured a scary motorcycle crash. The photos show the accident step by step.

Prior to the wreck, the motorcyclist can be seen traveling on the lane line. While the biker wasn’t right behind the car in the adjacent lane, he was ridiculously close to the back side of the vehicle.

Another image depicts him tumbling over, right next to the rear bumper of the auto. It looks like the man’s body collided with the passenger side of the car.

The aftermath shows his bike on its side with him on the ground. The Google car captured him on his knees, getting back up.

The motorcyclist was wearing non-protective clothing during the crash. He had on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Luckily he wore a full-face helmet.

After getting on his feet, the evidently uninjured man got back on his bike and drove off. The series of photos, which can still be seen on Google Street View highlights the dangers of tailgating.