Nuevos Horizontes

2014-09-05 2

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[]My hopes, dreams and innocence that I had as a child.
[]To be fair, a lot of the answers to this post starts with "to be fair"
[]Great ...The rift controllers are almost as much as the PSVR.
[]You ever suck dick for splenda?
[]Courtney Love murdered Kurt Cobain.
[]Oh. I'd have guessed tree.
[]The monkey's were taught how to work a camera and this resulted in the first incident of monkey porn.
[]It's a very fine line you walk here when you say killing as a punishment is not okay and is wrong, but keeping a human being in solitary confinement for the reminder of his/her days is fine though.

I'd rather be killed on the spot than spend next 40 years in solitary confinement.
[]Dude the fucking Coffee in the US or Starbucks is not coffee that is some kind of sugar Pop / Soda made for America..

Holy fuck that shit is bad, but sure you get all the Kids to buy stuff there, because it taste like some sweet drink.
[]I've been told by various people that she's actually schizophrenic, not a druggy. Not sure how true it is though
[]To be fair, you can park on the beach there. The people are right, there weren't any signs when I was there saying that the tide will reach the car, but I wouldn't be happy leaving my car on a beach.
[]he was captured by US forces and handed over to the new Iraqi government, but once again the question comes up of who is going to prosecute US leadership and what would the charges be
[]Hawking is not respected in physics anymore. "His" rants about aliens and AI have earned him exclusion. It's not like he could participate anymore. He's totally paralyzed but he keeps pumping out "opinions".
[]It already showcases a reprehensible amount of privilege. Only the most upper class, around whom society labors around, can afford the luxury to believe that the whole universe actually orbits them too, considering that the simulation hypothesis basically reduces to solipsism. Anyone acquainted with suffering, real agony, wouldn't think twice about living in a simulation without also simultaneously cursing their architects gods to a worse hell.
[]Opinions matter, a straight man fitter could have a bone of contention.
[]Get the blonde pour over. Tastes much better than the batch that sits in the urn.
[]I work at a loan store. A woman borrowed a DSLR camera, came back a while later and asked me: "if I take the SD card out, will it overexpose to sunlight?"

me: (; ̄Д ̄)
[]how many come in the cinnabon 2 pack?
[]So why didn't you evacuate?
[]An alternate ending to My Name Is Earl, where he see's all the good that his good karma work has bought and he rips up the list.

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[]Ducking dope; wish I was there. Also all the members are weird as fuck and someone of the songs are extremely edgy and counter culture.
[]The rest of your life.

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