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2014-09-05 3

A happy 'ending'?
[]Due to your funky system of how the campaigns can be financed, every politician that wants to claim that power is working together with the MegaCorps.
[]Go for a run. Gets all the tension out, gives you plenty of time to think about things and come up with a better plan.
[]This is a brilliant response, thanks for taking the time to put this together. I'd like to add to this, if I may. There is a significant number of papers that are retracted by the authors due to errors in the data they are reporting; a lot of this is the result of the "publish or perish" paradigm.
The problem with this is that once a paper is published, it is deemed to carry scientific merit and weight; it can be published in more mass-market periodicals (newspapers, blogs, etc.) that introduce people to the research (much like the weight-loss chocolate article mentioned above) and people may alter the way they go about their lives based on what they read, including professionals within that particular industry. However, if a paper is retracted, many people are unaware of the retraction as these don't tend to be published and will therefore carry on believing that what they read is true.
Retraction Watch is an interesting site that tracks retractions across different journals and is an interesting (yet also worrying) read.
[]This job would be great if it wasn't for the fucking customers
[]Stress and worry definitely suck, but they're not depression (of course they can make each other worse). Depression will find a way to make you feel shitty regardless of circumstances. Depression doesn't care for the intellectual analysis of your values or the possibilities available to you. It's like a hack to the source code of your brain, patching mood to return emptiness instead of doing a proper calculation.
[]The wife.

She made the vows to me, not my best friend.
[]I'm no pro on this matter...just started using an electric brush myself, which is an Oral-B my wife was already using.

My suggestion would be, ask your dentist. He or she will steer you in the right direction.
[]"whats the meaning/ story behind your tattoos".

Look... I just like tattoos okey? Theyre not a story of my life or have some deep philosophical meaning. I just like tattoos.
[]Im stealing this name
[]I think it's chipotle, it's like a spicy mayo. But every time I ask for chipotle I get a funny look and it's a bit embarrassing.
[]No reason ^
[]Yep i would shot the stupid fuck
[]I'm so hyped for this. The first two have been two of the best blockbuster films I've seen for.....well. Ever.
[]The real one is what I was implying...
[]I have the best opinions.
[]I can't unsee bacon strips.
[]Open the bomb bay doors, Hal!
[]The Montreal protocol springs to mind. That was a big success for international environmental collaborations.

The Congress of Vienna could rightfully be criticized for perpetuating the ancien régime of Europe, but it also paved the way for a long period of peace, and was attended by representatives from most of Europe.

The creation of the UN is not without flaws of course, but then, neither are humans. And the UN does have some merits, at least as a place to sit down and talk.
[]The Witcher turned me into a newt!
[]That I live in constant pain
[]They say money doesn't buy happiness, gimme $50 and watch me smile. -Bobby "the Brain" Heenan
[]"Do you have that one chocolate that looks like this?" draws the shape of pretty much every candy bar with her finger

"Do white chocolate macadamia nut cookies contain nuts?"
[]You don't mail girlfriends, only brides.
[]First off, I never claimed to have an opinion either way on the issue. I was pointing out that no 'evidence' is going to be enough for everyone. And that's born out by the vast amount of conspiracy theories throughout history that persist despite any 'evidence' to the contrary. Shit, there's still people who believe the earth is flat.

Secondly, are you trying to claim the only way weapons get into Syria is through Turkey? You do realize the US has openly admitted to supplying weapons to rebel groups in Syria right? And the fact that the Pentagon and the CIA armed two opposing factions of rebels? And that it has confirmed that some of those weapons are now in the hands of ISIS because some of the rebels they were trying to train in Syria surrendered to ISIS?

Tons of weapons are in Syria. Some from the Syrian govt's own stock, some from the US, some from Russia, some were from Kurdish stock, and likely many taken from Iraqi holdings as well since ISIS has an uninterrupted land supply route for over a year between Syria and Iraq. What do you think 'looking at the map' is going to do since two of the largest players in the Syrian conflict at this point are the US and Russia and neither is anywhere near Syria on the map?