Humans’ Destruction Of Species Is Outpacing Nature’s Ability To Make New Ones

2014-09-05 1

Humans are said to be behind the astronomical rise in species extinction, one that’s so great that nature can’t keep up with it.

Humans are said to be behind the astronomical rise in species extinction, one that’s so great nature can’t keep up with it.

In a new report on the matter researchers estimate that people have increased the rate of loss by 1 thousand times.

Previous estimates of pre-human eradication was calculated to occur at a pace of one in one million species per year.

Since Homo sapiens entered the picture, that number hovers more around the 1 thousand in 10 million mark.

Some scientists believe Earth is on the verge of a 6th mass extinction for which mankind is to blame.

For all of the bleakness the report offered, it did provide glimmers of hope.

In their studies the researchers identified that the planet’s most vulnerable inhabitants occupy only 10 percent of the world’s land mass.

Knowing where the at-risk animals are is an enormous help in launching initiatives to save them.

Technology also provides unprecedented access to some locales as satellites and deforestation tracking can provide information humans on the ground for various reasons simply can’t.

While the situation at hand is decidedly worse than it’s been, people are now in a much better position to do something about changing it.