Third U.S. Ebola patient flying home for treatment

2014-09-05 29


STORY: A plane carrying a third U.S. missionary infected with the Ebola virus in Liberia left the capital of the West African nation on Thursday on the way back to the United States for treatment in Omaha, Nebraska.

Doctor Rick Sacra, a 51-year-old Boston physician, is the latest worker for the missionary SIM USA organization to be infected with the virus that has killed more than 1,900 people in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Nigeria.

Sacra, who was wearing a white protective overall, stepped out of the ambulance which brought him to the tarmac and walked onto the aircraft.

He was dressed in a protective white suit, as was the person who accompanied him to the plane and they were followed by a worker spraying the ground where they had walked.

The plane is expected to arrive in Omaha on Friday (September 5) morning and Sacra will begin treatment in a special hospital care unit, the organization said in a statement.