Inaugurazione Illuminazione Castello Sforzesco Di Milano

2014-09-04 5

During the 2nd attack. I'd have that thing ready while walking back fo sho.
I guess Poland as a country crawled through it's own asshole back to the middle ages. Glad to be out, sorry for normal people stuck there.
I got my first pair of sennheiser headphones around the time this came out. It was the first song I listened to on them. The bass has such a warm full sound. To this day I sometimes listen to this song on full bass to feel warm and happy inside. Audiophiles always say you haven't listened to a song until you've listened with full bass and this song is a textbook example of that sentiment. Crank that bass!
Sure but CLT also states a sample of ~30 is enough to create a normal distribution, and surely if Nielsen polled 30 individuals, it would be worthless. So the question is - why is their 30,000 sampled individuals enough? What if they really need 300,000?
Ok, I really don't care if a person wants to have or do a sex change. More power to them. But what I do have a prob with its paying for it. The Pentagon exist only by tax dollars, that means if they use any of there budget money to pay for the sex change, then I just payed for it. They used my tax money to pay for it and that is not right! Don't do it agian ass holes!
Zoidberg, definitely Zoidberg, cause every time I've seen that video, I always thought that girl was "doing the Zoidberg"
I couldn't accept gifts from friends, like ever. We grew up relatively poor and my parents were weird and paranoid and thought the gifts may be stolen. Never quite understood it.
Is the first part really true? I think it depends on the State's laws no? Do all States require English be learned for citizens born in the USA?
The picture is of a screen that has security cam footage
Jackie Chan
I am guessing, but I don't think he used the parking brake. He may have put his jeep cherokee in 'P' for park, and got out of the car. But it started rolling and then crushed him between him pillar and the gate. Perhaps he went behind the jeep to close his gate, and when he turned around the jeep was already rolling towards him at higher relative momentum. I think that's likely what happened. Jeep knew of this issue and this particular model was in recall. His parents are suing Chrysler, the maker of Jeep Grand Cherokee.
Air humping stormtrooper!
Library? Phonebook?
I'm talking about James Cameron's Avatar. Everyone on this site hates that movie.
They start by doing literally the opposite of what you need to do.
Which is fucking disgusting
It's a pain in the ass to cook and stinks everything up/makes it greasy. The only time I cook it is when the weather is nice and I cook it outside.
Women's rights
Chiming in :D
A serial killer documentary
Ohoho, this guy thinks he knows pretentiousness
Stick your dick in one. The fairy tales and daydreaming don't mix with reality.
I've been calling for mic checks in competitive/ranked online game modes for a while now. You can not enter a ranked online match unless the game detects line-in audio levels.
The Core. I hope you know nothing about the earth, because if you did before watching that movie, it would suck the intelligence right out of you.
Confirmed- No Man's Sky not a movie

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