CoD Ghosts: 49-6 Getting a KEM While Being Trolled?

2014-09-04 25

Video was originally upload to youtube on 3/12/14

Pretty much like the title suggests.
Its a little weird to really explain but for whatever reason a dude on my team was running around shooting right next to me in hopes to get me killed. It worked for like 2 times till i realized he was doing it but i still managed to get a KEM and cap a decent amount of bases. I'll admit this isnt the most exciting gameplay i have either uploaded or in my files on my comp but its interesting to say the least.

Videos in the outro
1. Elgato Game Capture HD Showing Gameplay Using HDCP Bypass VS Without
Link --->

2. Cod Ghosts: Weirdest Lag Experience So Far (Ps4 Gameplay)
Link here --->