Shortly after the release of video by Islamic State pur" />
Shortly after the release of video by Islamic State pur"/>

Pentagon says US will continue to hit IS as long as they "pose a threat"

2014-09-02 39


Shortly after the release of video by Islamic State purportedly showing the beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff, Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby told reporters that as long IS poses a threat to Mosul Dam, the United States would continue targeting them.

"Could you give us a clear picture about the situation on the ground at the Mosul Dam? Why [does] the United States keep launching airstrikes at that location?" asked one reporter.

"Because ISIL keeps trying to take it back. As I said last week, as long as they continue to pose a threat to the facility, we're gonna continue to hit 'em. And we are," Kirby responded.

Kirby said the Pentagon would not confirm that Islamic State had released a video showing Sotloff being executed.

Islamic State militants have seized a third of both Iraq and Syria, and want to establish a jihadist hub in the heart of the Arab world.