Federal Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan while speaking during a joint session of Parliament in Islamabad on Tuesday said that the protests by PTI and PAT are a rebellion against Pakistan, Dunya News reported.
Addressing the joint session of Parliament on Tuesday in Islamabad, Federal Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan said that Pakistan is going through the most critical stage amid the ongoing political impasse. Parliament is the voice of 18 million people and the parliament stands united against mutiny and mob violence, he said.
Referring to PTI and PAT sit-in protests, Nisar said that there are only two thousand people gathered outside. He said that the mob, terming violence as democratic move, arrived at the gate of the Parliament House. The violent mob is attacking state buildings and institutions, he added. The entire country is on one side while the mob is on the other demanding resignation of the Prime Minister, said the Interior Minister. Nisar’s remark that the protest leaders claim to change the history of Pakistan was followed by assembly members shouting slogans against Imran Khan and Tahirul Qadri. He asked what has happened in the last few months that made Imran Khan change his mind. Citing examples from the western countries, Imran Khan is fooling the nation, said Nisar. Interior Minister said that he had been informed about the attack on state institutions by the protestors. Imran Khan in his statements threatened Interior secretary and government officials, he lamented. All the political parties agreed on allowing the protestors to march on the Federal Capital, informed Nisar. He said that Imran Khan and Tahirul Qadri are revolting against the country. The sit-in protests are a rebellion against state buildings, institutions and the Parliament of Pakistan, urged Nisar. Talking about the attack on PTV headquarters on Monday morning, Nisar said that those who have attacked the national TV of Pakistan can’t be well-wishers of the country. Nisar informed that the protestors stormed into the PTV headquarters, yesterday and misbehaved with a woman broadcaster. They also forcefully entered the mosque inside PTV headquarters and took away the loudspeakers and prayer rugs, he added. Nisar said that Imran Khan deceived the government, in spite of several commitments, adding that he has a letter and SMS by Imran Khan as a record. Imran Khan and Tahirul Qadri have crossed all the limits of morality with their open lies, he said. Shouting slogans of a fake revolution, these fake revolutionaries are, in fact, terrorists in disguise. He said that some 150 trained militants are participating in the protest sit-ins outside the Parliament House in Islamabad.