Rand Paul asks Hillary Clinton if the US is Shipping Arms from Libya to Turkey

2014-08-31 133

This is why Obama lifted the executive ban on arming terrorist. These weapons were sent to Syrian Rebels that had set up refugee camps in Turkey. Then from Turkey they attacked Mosul and gained heavy weapons and increased their numbers and became ISIS. These are the same guys linked to the Muslim Brotherhood (who has access to the Obama Whitehouse) that Obama wanted to provide air support for and remove Assad the same way he removed Qaddafi. If Congress had authorized the use of force them all of Syria would have fallen into the hands of ISIS.

ISIS fighters behave like complete jackass's so more than likely there is some kind of black operation supporting these guys with leadership and guidance, command and control. I think Obama has some kind of ideological or religious kinship with this crowd, and is probably just flat out getting his palms greased by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Even though Obama has a Anti-Colonial fondness for terrorist, I don't think they particularly care for him and their behavior embarrasses and threatens his administration as well as a threat to national security. So now he is publicly referring to them as a "cancer" that needs to be removed..

This is starting to shape up as another Sunni-Shia - Zbignew Brzezinski style cluster fuck replay of the Iran-Iraq war. Brzezinski was in the Carter Administration and started the Iran/Iraq war During the Iranian Hostage Crises as a hair brained plan to get the hostages released. Only this time it's the Iranians on their way to WMD.

Ironically when the Shaw of Iran was ousted it was Brzezinski that advised Carter not to send troops to support the Shaw but rather respect diversity. And needless to say the new Iranian Islamic Fundamentalist regime paid back this respect by absolutely despising Jimmy Carter and referring to America as "the great Satan".

Basically history is repeating itself or the same old psychopaths are making the same mistakes all over again and screwing over the entire planet.

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