Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) chief Dr. Tahirul Qadri said that he was ready to give one more month to the government for investigation of Model Town incident if Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif resigned from his post for a month. He said that if Nawaz Sharif was ready to resign for a month and appoint a new Prime Minister in his place then he was also ready to extend his deadline for a month.
Criticizing the speeches made by Opposition Leader Khurshid Shah and other leaders in the National Assembly Tahirul Qadri said that these speeches were proofs that even the p[arliamentarians realized that the final moments of their so-called democracy had arrived.
Earlier, PAT chief directed the protesters to remove the tents from the sit-in spot after his speech so that people could see the ‘ocean of revolutionaries’.
Tahirul Qadri said that none of the points raised by him has ever been countered by these so-called democrats. He said that equality before law was the basic fundamental right of the people of Pakistan. He said that common man is deprived of his rights in this country. He said that the constitution was made only for the rich while the poor continued to suffer inequalities and injustice.