Its Not the Schools Job to Stop The Bully

2014-08-30 11

In this video we’re going to talk about why it’s not the school’s job to stop the bully, but before I do, for more tools and help on how to raise your child’s self-esteem, click on the link on this video, or visit

So when I say why it’s not the school’s job to stop the bullying, what do I mean? Well, the teachers right now, they got into teaching because they love kids. They love spending time with them. They love interacting with them.

But the truth of the matter is 160,000 kids will miss school tomorrow because of being bullied. 3.2 million kids are bullied every single month between the ages of the fourth grade and the eighth grade.

Teachers, they have so much on their plate that they can’t handle all of the bullying that goes on. It’s not their job.

We need to be proactive as parents to put into our children the inner esteem, the true value, the true worth that they have, to really bully proof our kids so that when they go to school they’re there to learn. They’re there to be with friends. They’re there to learn how to live life.

Sadly, according to the National Association of School Psychologists, only one in four teachers believe bullying is even a problem, and only 4% will ever intervene in a situation of bullying. What if your child is one of their students?

See, it’s not the teacher’s job. It’s not the school’s job to prevent bullying. It’s us as parents. We need to create a generation of bully-proof kids, and when we can do that, then we can have our children become the true leaders for change in this world.

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