Miley Cyrus' homeless friend wanted by Oregon police

2014-08-27 25

He was thrust from obscurity into the limelight at the MTV Video Music Awards.

But now Jesse Helt might have raised his profile too much.

He accompanied Miley Cyrus to the awards show, accepting her Video of the Year "Moonman" statue of her behalf and speaking out about homelessness.

SOUNDBITE: Reportedly homeless young man named Jesse, accepting award on behalf of Miley Cyrus, saying (English):

"My name is Jesse. I am accepting this award on behalf of the 1.6 million runaways and homeless youth in the United States who are starving, lost and scared for their lives right now. I know because I'm one of these people."

But Oregon police have said there is an outstanding probation warrant out for his arrest.

Police in Polk County say he failed to report to probation officers, after previously being arrested in 2010 for criminal trespass, mischief and burglary.

Helt will reportedly be served with the warrant if he returns to Salem to visit his mothe