The Showgirls and The Farmers ; Unspoken Asia 15 (AKA : For One Night Only )

2014-08-27 9

IMDB rating 7.6
A tongue in cheek documentary about a group of lady-boys from Bangkok who travel to a small farming village in northern Thailand to stage a beauty contest.
The group is lead by charismatic leader Miss Kay who arranged the contest in the village where she grew up as a child.
The film follows the contest and her subsequent return 7 years later.
The film contains no objectionable material unless you are offended by lady-boys in general so a PG rating would be accurate.
There is no commentary as is normal in Unspoken asia episodes and there are hard-coded subtitles where necessary.
It has been generally well received as a modest but fascinating look at a usually undocumented way of life. It is coherent but has some somewhat surreal touches.
The filming is competent and it looks well for such a low budget and the limited technology involved. Its a one-man affair so it's idiosyncratic and restricted to one man -one camera but the result belies that with rapid shifts and crafty editing. I am writing this on behalf of the filmmaker as he wants a review here but this is my opinion.
I recommend viewing this as it's interesting and a capable contribution to the world of offbeat independent film making .