Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan while addressing the sit-in at Islamabad said that after Election Commission Pakistan (ECP) former additional secretary Afzal Khan’s revelations last night on television, Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif does not have any moral justification to stay in power now.
Quoting from Afzal Khan’s interview, Imran Khan said that the election was completely rigged, and former chief justice Pakistan (CJP) Iftikhar Chaudhry appointed the returning officers so they were his minions.
PTI chief said that now we know rigging in 2013 elections took place under a planned scheme and they had been ranting about it for 14 months but no action was taken regarding it. He added that they would not leave Islamabad until the Pm resigns because impartial investigation cannot take place under his premiership.