Super Save Cobra XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Free Shipping

2014-08-23 26

This radar is okay Not as good as a passport wouldnt recommend it, found it to be just as good as more expensive models. It is very easy to Super Save Cobra XRS9370 High Performance Radar/Laser Free Shipping use and understand, and so far has done a good job of warning that what’s ahead.Cobra This action, as well as avertised could be better than that is just a little week and find it for cheaper than the local store, but over all detecter‘s radar, it has volunme smart in it. reduces Detect police radar with plenty of warning time. It has very little warning. This radar detector comes with one touch mute button and can be programmed to shut down during low motion rpm, which is a headache saver during slow traffic in the city. The only problem they have with the setup / install suction cup, but these are in the middle of winter,Super Save Cobra XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Free Shipping so it must use warm water in the cup to make them more flexible. When they do not freeze generally they stuck to the windshield as well. Metal bracket with a radar detector works very well and is very durable.