New Chair Design Allows You To Sit Anywhere

2014-08-22 2,368

A Swiss startup has created the Chairless Chair, a chair that attaches to the human body like an exoskeleton, allowing sitting to happen anywhere.

Imagine having a chair that goes with you wherever you go, but takes up zero space.

Zurich based startup noonee has invented just that.

Called the Chairless Chair, the device attaches to the back of a person's legs and hips, similar to an exoskeleton.

While wearing it, a person can walk, run and climb steps.

The Chairless Chair is made of aluminum and carbon fiber, and weighs less than five pounds.

In order to sit, all a wearer has to do is touch a button to stiffen the chair mechanism into place.

It was created primarily with production line workers in mind, the company believes other industries, such as farming, can benefit from the device.

Along with giving legs a chance to rest, it keeps the back straight and provides optimal spinal posturing.

Trials are set to begin on the productions lines of BMW in September and Audi later this year.

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