For decades the US Military has kept a stash of tanks, armored vehicles, and a weapons arsenal in fortified caves in Norway.
For decades the the US Marine Corps has kept a stash of tanks, armored vehicles, and a weapons arsenal in fortified caves in Norway.
Even though it’s been going on for all these years, it’s a military measure that’s rarely discussed.
It has been noted, however, that the Marines are adding to the collection, a move that’s been under consideration since 2013.
The storage of equipment throughout Europe was begun during the Cold War, when relations between the US and the then Soviet Union were especially tense.
Called the Prepositioning Program, the goal is to have enough rations and supplies to keep a 15 thousand member Marine brigade functioning for 30 days.
News of bolstering the supply comes at a time when associations are again strained.
While the stockpile has been recently accessed for war purposes, such as equipping soldiers in Afghanistan, it also has other uses.
It’s able to be tapped as needed for humanitarian efforts and was in the efforts to assist with wildfires in Russia and earthquakes in Turkey.
This past February several vehicles were removed and taken to transport ships as a means of testing new piers.