Happy New Year actor Shah Rukh Khan is in the thick of controversy, yet again. And his residence Mannat has been in the news! Why? Coz the ramp raised out his bungalow.
The local residents have lodged a complaint with BMC (Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation) against the ramp, which is used for parking his vanity van.
Does the locals have problem with it? Yes, because it blocks the way to Mount Mary Church’s stairs. BMC has taken the call that foundation issues to Chief Minister and municipal commissioner seriously.
They will soon send engineers for probing into the matter.
King Khan’s ‘Mannat’ is the most visited landmarks in Mumbai, so this news might come as a big blow to Shah Rukh and his fans too!
For now, we can wait and watch as to what action will Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation take against the ramp outside the superstar’s house.