Pope Francis Endorses Force Against ISIS

2014-08-19 460

Pope Francis has given limited approval to military efforts aimed at stopping the group ISIS and the religious persecution they’ve exacted.

Pope Francis appears to have given limited approval to military efforts aimed at stopping the group ISIS and the religious persecution they’ve exacted.

His comments were made during a press conference held on a plane headed back to Rome from South Korea.

When asked if he supported US airstrikes in Iraq, the pontiff replied, "I can only say this: It is licit to stop the unjust aggressor."

He quickly added, "I underline the verb: stop. I do not say bomb, make war, I say stop by some means."

Pope Francis also said that the decision to take action should be a collective one involving the United Nations.

It’s believed his comments were directed at the United States, which began targeted airstrikes in Iraq early in August.

Since then, bombs have been dropped in areas of Northern Iraq occupied by Sunni Islamic extremists.

Specifically targeted thus far have been convoys and artillery units belonging to ISIS.

While Pope Francis has been encouraging leaders to avoid taking violent action in places such as Syria, the situation in Iraq may prove to be different.

The Vatican’s UN Ambassador recently acknowledged that a scenario has developed there that may well call for military intervention.

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