Rocket fired from Gaza strikes southern Israeli community

2014-08-19 27


Israel said Palestinian militants fired rockets from Gaza on Tuesday (August 19) in violation of a truce, attacks that swiftly drew air strikes and the recall of Israeli negotiators from talks in Cairo on a long-term ceasefire.

One rocket hit an Israeli town close to the border with Gaza. One man was slightly injured.

Earlier, three rockets struck southern Israel, near the city of Beersheba, the military said, nearly eight hours before a ceasefire -- extended by a day on Monday -- was due to expire. Two other rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome anti-missile system over the southern town of Netivot.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attacks, which the military said caused no casualties or damage. Sami Abu Zuhri, a spokesman for Hamas, the dominant movement in the Gaza Strip, said it had no knowledge of any rockets being fired.

Witnesses said Israeli aircraft carried out at least 25 strikes, and ho

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