Federal Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar said on Tuesday that the government has decided to hand over the security of the Red Zone area to the army, insisting Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan not to opt the path of violence, Dunya News reported.
“The army needs your support, don’t opt the path of violence”, he urged Imran Khan.
“The army will be guarding the vital installations among others.”
He said Imran Khan gave him his word that the marchers will not move into the Red Zone.
“Don’t set wrong examples”, he told Imran Khan while urging him not to resort to the politics of ‘violence’.
“At least talk to the opposition committees if you don’t want to talk to us”, he urged.
“Your way leads towards violence…don’t call your agenda democracy, come out if you don’t believe in democratic value”
“I want to tell you to opt for the democratic path and not for violence…parliament is elected by the people and it is sacred. Parliament is not something that anyone can start on roads”, he said.