Orange Anti-Oxidant Serum Facial Scrub: A Great Pick-Me-Up For Tired Skin

2014-08-19 19

Revitalize your face and look young again. This Orange Anti-Oxidant Serum Facial Scrub is the ideal pick-me-up for worn out aging skin.

Lisa, like many of us, imagined growing up to be a Mom. In fact, Lisa did grow up to be a Mom and had not one, but three beautiful children. She also had a demanding husband and an extremely important task. Lisa was busy.

Lisa noticed that her busy life was taking its toll on her face. She was looking old and worn out. She needed some time out to revive her aging skin so she worked up this Anti-Oxidant Serum Facial Scrub. It's so easy to make.

You will need:

The peel of one orange, grated.
One half cup of sea salt.
One 4th cup of olive oil.
Mix together and afterwards scrub gently on your face and neck then rinse. It will revitalize your skin and make it radiant again. You will love the brand-new you!