Murat Yıldırım - Greece (Argos 16.08.2014)

2014-08-18 645

Mulţumim, Yagmur!
Discursul lui Murat pe scena teatrului de la Argos:

,,-- Murat : As they sang all the songs I knew… I couldn’t sing for you anymore!!!! Since I have not been prepared for a long speech… I came in a different dress code!!!!!! At first, we gathered here for the sake of peace, of humanity, of peoples’ and religions’ pacification… and on the occasion of this concert, we offer our love and support to the children!!! Will you please turn on the lights??? Since you invited me as a guest of honor… I would like to see… the real guests of honor… all of you!!! Thanks to Mr Frangoulis and to Mrs Paspala!!!!!!!!
-- Mario Frangoulis : Teşekkür ederim! Thank you!
-- Murat : Efharisto poli! Thank you!''

Si traducerea:
,,- Murat : Cum ei au cantat toate cantecele pe care le stiam … Eu n-as mai putea sa cant pt voi!!! Deoarece nu m-am pregatit pentru un discurs lung… Am venit imbracat in alt dress code (vestimentatie in functie de eveniment)!!!!!! In primul rand, ne-am adunat aici de dragul pacii, al umanitatii si al aducerii pacii intre oameni si religii ... iar cu ocazia acestui concert, oferim dragostea si sprijinul nostru copiilor!!! Puteti, va rog, sa stingeti luminile - pe scena??? Daca m-ati invitat ca oaspete de onoare… mi-ar placea sa vad… adevaratii oaspeti de onoare … voi toti!!! Ii multumesc d-lui Frangoulis si d-nei Paspala!!!!!!!!
-- Mario Frangoulis : Teşekkür ederim! Multumesc in lb turca
-- Murat : Efharisto poli! Multumesc in lb greaca ''

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