Germany: World's most pierced man shows why Dubai denied him entry

2014-08-18 6

Video ID: 20140817-033

W/S Rolf Buchholz in hallway of Scandic Hotel in Hamburg
W/S Rolf Buchholz entering room 515 in Scandic Hotel in Hamburg
M/S Rolf Buchholz talking
M/S Piercings around mouth of Rolf Buchholz
M/S Rolf Buchholz's tattooed body
C/U Rolf Buchholz showing tattoos and indicating magnetic implants in arms
C/U Rolf Buchholz displaying magnetic properties of his fingers as a result of magnetic implants
SOT, Rolf Buchholz, IT professional and erotic model (in English): "I do it only for the look of the horns. A lot of people think it looks like Satan or the devil, but for me it is only for looking."
C/U Facial piercings of Rolf Buchholz
C/U Horns implanted into skull of Rolf Buchholz
SOT, Rolf Buchholz, IT professional and erotic model (in English): "It doesn't change my life. I have a normal job, I studied study computer science, I'm working for the biggest telephone company in Germany, so I think it's not changing my life."
C/U Facial piercings of Rolf Buchholz


The world's most pierced man, Rolf Buchholz, 55, spoke on Sunday at the Scandic Hotel in Hamburg, days after he was denied entry to Dubai to make an appearance at a nightclub. Buchholz holds a Guinness World Record for his 453 piercings, which are mostly on his face and genitals.

Buchholz, who also boasts Teflon and silicone implants in his arms and fingers, as well as two "horns" in his skull, received his first piercing when he was 15.

Buchholz was due to appear at the Cirque le Soir nightclub in Dubai's Fairmont Hotel when he was denied entry for what airport authorities termed "security reasons." The IT professional from Dortmund also moonlights as an erotic model, and said his numerous piercings are only for aesthetic reasons.

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