Tanks roar over Russian terrain for biathlon

2014-08-16 47

Racing through a 20 kilometer obstacle course and firing at targets, these tanks show how tough they really are.

The world championship in tank biathlon ended Saturday, with home team Russia coming up on top. They captured the gold and silver medal for their military might.

Teams from 12 countries showcased their skilled maneuvers over a rough terrain.

... Impressing Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu:


"I send my special gratitude to the representatives of all the nations who have found a way to come to the championship despite the challenging international situation."

The biathlon, held just outside of Moscow, comes as the four-month conflict in eastern Ukraine reaches a critical phase.

NATO says there has been a Russian incursion into Ukraine. And Ukraine says its artillery destroyed part of a Russian armored column that crossed the border overnight -- something Russia

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