Captured Space Dust Came From Outside The Solar System

2014-08-15 100

In a remarkable discovery, scientists have come across some dust particles that are believed to have originated outside our solar system.

It's the ultimate mystery - how the Universe came into existence.

Right now, there are multiple theories and depending on which scientist you ask, you might get a different theory on how it all began.

So any new data, even a tiny piece of dust can help us in getting closer to answering those questions.

In a remarkable discovery, scientists have come across some dust particles that are believed to have originated outside our solar system. The report was recently published in the Science journal.

NASA's Stardust spacecraft carried these particles on its return to Earth in 2006.

The Guardian notes - "It could be the most exotic material on the planet. Seven particles of dust brought back to Earth by a spacecraft nearly a decade ago appear to have come from beyond our solar system."

NASA sheds further light into these particles indicating that these were "...perhaps created in a supernova explosion millions of years ago and altered by exposure to the extreme space environment."

If confirmed of their origins, this interstellar dust can tell us a lot about the Universe beyond our Solar System.