Rebels lose territory to Syrian army and Islamic State

2014-08-15 1


In the rubble of a Damascus suburb, fierce fighting continues.

Video that cannot be independently verified shows rebel fighters attacking Syrian government positions.

But Syria's main rebel factions are losing territory.

Just yesterday, Syrian government forces backed by Lebanon's Hezbollah took contol of the town of Mleiha.

And the Syrian army is now clearing mines from the streets, and piles of rubble left by the fighting.

Meanwhile, more than 200 miles to the north, forces loyal to president Bashar al-Assad are looking to recapture Aleppo as well.

Video posted to a social media website purports to show the damage. This man says he refuses to leave the city.

The rebels are now fighting on two fronts. They are battling the Syrian army and the fundamentalist group Islamic State.

With more than 150,000 believed dead, the war is now in its third year with no end in sight.

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