Attn all nations leaders, "see satan dragon god kui of sunnis jinns and son (white Jesus images of a stick with long hair and blue eyes" the antichrist

2014-08-15 260

"You nations saw with your satillites and agents of satans son (gatsby) the antichrist Jesus images with long hair and blue eyes that his eyes were (RED) "THE son of satan dragon god kui of sunnis and Christians and of satan white roman god to extermination of all jews, homosexuals, Transgenders, she male's, atheist, ,santeria, native Indian, Sikhs, Buddhist priests, Christians zoroastrianism's, etc. God my father gave supreme commandments, NO IMAGES OF gods on the earth you worship, bow, or pray too, NIV BIBLE EXODUS 20 : 4-5. God my father also warned the Muslims with holy quran surah 4 numbers 120-121 of satans lies, dupes, and wickedness. Love you, king jeshu Mahdi messiah mashiach avatar maitreya also known as moreh-tzedek