Originally uploaded on 8/18/14
Hello and welcome to another edition of Foxxy’s Flea Market Pickups.
This is episode # 5: Great Games For Great Prices.
Sure of course when i say "great games" this is after all just my opinion. But hey i was very happy with the games i bought and how much i spent on them.
The series where I show you guys all the stuff I bought from the flea markets. Usually its video games or at least video game related but there’s been times where Ive bought other random things. Which of course I show you all as well.
Regarding the “average on Ebay ” I am only showing SOLD listings only. I take the average of the first 5-15 items sold. The items in this video are accurate as of 6/12/14
Videos in the outro
1. Flea market pickups #4
Link here ---> http://dai.ly/x20gllb
2. Estarland Unboxing
Link here ---> http://dai.ly/x1z56sa