Real Time Motion Vectors Computation on FPGA

2014-08-13 4

This video displays an actual output of FPGA based real time motion vectors computation routine implemented on Atlys Spartan6 FPGA Kit.
The FPGA output video also includes a picture in picture feature to illustrate the motion in scene being independent of the background image.
The motion vectors computation is implemented as a hardware co-processor designed via Vivado HLS and it completes the 640 motion vectors computation in less than 10 msec, including all memory transfers from main memory to processing core and back.
The video input and output interface to the FPGA kit is provided via a custom video interface board, which is connected to Atlys Spartan6 FPGA kit via its VHDCI peripheral connector. The video input and output format is NTSC 525/60Hz.
Further details of Atlys Spartan6 FPGA Board can be found here:,400,836&Prod=ATLYS&CFID=5761645&CFTOKEN=f5ddc130dbb5920b-B82FFBBA-5056-0201-02BCA2CF4995E0ED