Attn Israel, (Israel must stand alone) locust (abu bakr of ISIS) will DESTROY Israel (all jews), president Obama (black bear) and prime minister david Cameron (white bear) will protect Israel!

2014-08-10 255

written in Re-Heur-Khuti prophesies from Tem-Harmakhis ( god my grand pa) also french president Holland (scorpion) will DESTROY Seket (sunnis ships) down the nile with chemicals weapons that al - qaeda obtain from Syrian collapse of sunnis jinns take over of syria. (all sunnis will extermination of all Christians in syria) than to Egypt to slaughter all coptic Christians, unless president of Egypt el-sisi STOPS muslim brotherhood and sunnis alliance.
al qaeda has cell in (bubastis) waiting for syria to collapse. "my peacock destroyer khemiu is PROTECTION of Egyptian coptic Christians, but satan dragon god kui of sunnis jinns is throwing EVERYTHING at us to eradicate all Christians, , jews, homosexuals, Transgenders, gypsies, quakers, she male's, atheist, shias, kurds, pagan, zoroastrianism's. Love you, king jeshu Mahdi messiah mashiach avatar maitreya also known as moreh-tzedek.

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