A cough and a hack--
On february 17,2006...! ! !
Gosh it made me--
Feel outright sick! ;
Tell ya-thought i was dyin'...! ! !
Had such a cough and a hack...
That i went 'willy-nilly' to the doctor...
And he diagnosed my attack;
When i arrived home...
There on my street awaiting me...
Were a dozen Red Roses...
Sent special to lil' ole me! ! ! ;
A cough and a hack...
Can be downright mean...! ! !
The virus can destroy...
And its totally unclean! ;
So theres a moral to this story...
IM sharin' with only a few...! ! !
Stay away from the COLD virus...
Cause the cough and hack will surely attack you! ;
The Essence
May 30,2010
Theodora (Theo) Onken