Origami Inspired Robot Folds And Walks By Itself

2014-08-08 4,712

Scientists from Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have created a robot inspired by the Japanese art of origami, and the popular children’s toy called Shrinky Dinks. The autonomous robot is made of a thick paper substrate, that is covered in memory polymer, and connected to an electrical motor.

Scientists from Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have created a robot inspired by the Japanese art of origami, and the popular children’s toy called Shrinky Dinks.

The autonomous robot is made of a thick paper substrate, that is covered in memory polymer, and connected to an electrical motor.

To operate the robot, all researchers had to do was connect the batteries, and it came to life on its own.

When the polymer is heated above one hundred degrees Celsius, the robot folds itself, transforming into a functioning three-dimensional machine.

During the study, it took the robot about four minutes to self assemble, in a five step pattern process.

It can then crawl at a speed of over two inches per second, and turn itself in different directions.

Co-author of the study Daniela Rus from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is quoted as saying: “This approach to fabricating robots and tooling would democratize access to robots.”

The materials and building costs of the robot were around one hundred dollars, which means that some day many people might have a folding robot to play with their pets, sweep their floor, or perform some other useful task.