Clausuran varios Teatros de Buenos Aires 1966

2014-08-08 55

Bs. As .: Closing of theaters. Close-ups of a closing strip placed in the National Theater, where the Porteña Magazine is carried out with the performance of Adolfo Stray, Zulma Faiad and Diego Verdaguer, among other artists. Close-ups of a closing strip placed in the Maipo Theater, where the Porteña Magazine is carried out "If it is not Maipo, it is not a magazine", with the performance of Tito Lusiardo, José Marrone, Hilda Mayo, Vicente Rubino, Ramona Galarza , Norma Pons and Mimi Pons, among other artists. General views of a group of municipal inspectors entering the gallery of the Altillo Theater and placing a closing strip on the entrance door to the room. Close-ups of the front of the ABC theater, located in Esmeralda 506, where the play "Que tal te trata la vida" by Roger Milner takes place. Close-ups of the AGON Theater, where a work and close-ups of municipal inspectors from the city of Buenos Aires are carried out, entering the hall and placing a closing strip on the entrance door to the hall. (Without sound)
Reference: For "security reasons" I claim the Municipality of Buenos Aires, to proceed to the closure of cinemas-emerald hall art, arts and sciences, and Kraft Auditorium, and the independent theaters ABC, AGON, the Altillo and the Labyrinth . The procedures were carried out on November 22, 1966, by Captain Enrique H. Green (municipal police) hours before his retirement was known.
Date: 11/22/1966
Duration: 1 minute 14 seconds
Film code: B-27710
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