Shadow Puppets

2014-08-06 265 Shadow Puppets is an animation by Chuck Gamble (US) of Lucky Radish Studio,
Was shown at the Human Rights Watch Film Festival in 1994.

This allegorical cartoon focuses on a charming little misfit who lives in a sort of factory-prison run by a totalitarian state. After work each day, every laborer's hands are locked in a box to keep them out of mischief, but our hero finds a secret key that allows him to open the box and amuse himself by making funny finger-shadows on the wall. When caught, he's brutally punished - this is a cartoon for grownups, not young children - but he manages to triumph in the end. Drawn in strikingly bold black-and-white strokes, Gamble's animated tale is an effective parable of the human urge to maintain individuality and humor under even the most awful circumstances. Shadow Puppets Shadow Puppets