The Benefits of winning Beauty Pageants like FBB Femina Miss India 2014/2015 /2016/2017/2018/2019/2020 with The Tiara

2014-08-05 2

For the person whose only exposure to beauty pageants is from what they see on television, it’s difficult to understand why anyone would choose to do a beauty pageant. After all, showcasing the benefits of doing a beauty pageant wouldn’t get the ratings that the drama does. But there are definite benefits or else pageantry wouldn’t be a multi-billion dollar industry. "If you just sit around visualizing the crown chances are that someone else will grab it from you. Work hard for it.
That girl walking down the runway with a tiara on her head and her arms full of roses is realizing a dream which she has been striving towards for a long time. Winning a beauty pageant means paying your dues. Talent, current events awareness, wardrobe, hair, makeup, physical condition, speaking voice and sponsorship fees are all areas you might want to consider. You have spent a lot of effort to develop the best you that you can be as a contestant.
Course Details
• Filling up Forms and Registration Help
• Developing a Pageant Strategy
• Pageant & Ramp Walk
• Personality & Grooming
• Posture & Poise.
• Camera Facing Techniques & Portfolio Assistance (Professional Portfolio Not Included)
• Public Speaking &Voice Modulation
• Modeling Technique & Body Language
• Making a Positive First Impression
• Wardrobe Analysis & Customized Wardrobe Assistance
• Diet, Nutrition & Fitness Assistance
. Confidence Building
• Mental Preparation
• Question Handling (Preliminary Round, Prejudging, On Stage and One-on-One)
• Personalize your answers so that you sound original
• Connecting with the Judges and Handling the Stage
• Platform Development
Don't be dismayed if you find that we are at Pune. You deserve the help of a Pageant professional; don't let location stand in the way of your dream. Assistance with accommodation provided. Limited seats. Reserve your spot now!
The Tiara,
Tel: +919823156193