Security Cam Catches Mysterious Animal Roaming The Streets Of Norwalk, CA

2014-08-04 3,867

Norwalk, California has become the stomping ground of what some believe to be a mountain lion, but much debate surrounds what the animal actually is.

Norwalk, California has become the stomping ground of what some believe to be a mountain lion, but much debate surrounds what the animal actually is.

The large animal that looks a lot like a big cat was caught on surveillance footage recently.

Due to the poor quality of the video, it’s hard to tell exactly what it is, leading to many identity theories.

Experts have since weighed in on the likelihood of what it is and isn’t.

A California Fish and Wildlife authority ruled out mountain lion as there was no evidence that one had been in the area of the sighting.

He also determined it wasn’t a cougar.

Another said African lioness is definitely in the realm of possibility, especially since people often illegally keep exotic animals as pets.

Leopard, according to an animal sanctuary director, is a solid option as well due to the animal’s size and unique ear characteristics.

Some say it isn’t a cat at all and believe it’s a dog of some sort, most likely an aging Pit bull or a Pit bull mix.

Residents are being told to be on the lookout for the mysterious animal and to keep their pets safe.