Unshakeable - sung by the 2014 Voices Around The World Choir

2014-08-05 26

he 2014 release of the Voices Around The World Choir singing the Howard Jones song 'Unshakeable'. Nearly 4000 voices from young people from almost every country around the planet joining together. This not for profit project is in its 3rd year now and growing all the time as more an more young people and their schools link up with this totally awesome free project. Get your guys involved in the 2014 song/project 'Listen To Us'….your chance to tell the world that there is no excuse for the atrocities in Gaza and Syria, the starvation and wars in Africa, extremist violence and terrorism worldwide, the political repression and environmental plundering caused by greed and a desire for power. The voices and ideas of young people are ultimately the key to change ….join Voices Around The World …let's make it happen through music http:www.voicesaround.com