Daisy model diffuser:
Pyramid model diffuser :
-Its calming properties relieve tension, headaches, hypertension, stress, depression, anxiety and insomnia.
-Improves memory, mood, circulation, digestion, skin problems, earaches, hair loss, respiratory problems, and a number of women's health issues.
-As an antiseptic and anti-bacterial, lavender can be applied directly to burns and stings, where it will cool the pain. It will also stimulate blood flow to the affected area to aid healing.
-Rubbed into the temples, lavender can soothe a headache and even halt a migraine. As a tension reliever, it can be massaged directly into the neck and shoulder muscles.
-It is the most versatile all-purpose essential oil available. It's inexpensive and can be applied directly to your skin if necessary.
-Lavender is the all-time best de-stressor that keeps your emotions on an even keel. Lavender and tea tree oil are the only essential oils which can be applied to the skin undiluted.