Life under bombardment a constant struggle for Palestinians in Gaza

2014-07-30 18

In Gaza it seems there is no safe place to hide, as the families sheltering at the UN-run school in the Jabaliya refugee camp discovered.

The attack by the Israeli military has been condemned by the US and by UN chief Ban Ki-moon.

A 27 year old man described what he had seen when the school came under attack.

“People were killed before our eyes, their bodies were torn apart in front of us. Five people including a woman were killed in this classroom. We have come here from the targeted areas because they were not safe. We did not find safety here. There are no safe rooms in Gaza.”

General conditions are worsening with 1.5 million inhabitants without access to water for 10 days.

There is no electricity after Gaza’s only power plant was destroyed in a missile strike. Trying to repair it is a risky business according to the head of water supply Munzer Shoblaq.

“It is getting more and more dangerous. Yesterday we lost six workers because they were targeted directly or indirectly,” he said.

Israel is being accused of deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure – something it denies.

The World Food Programme says more than 115,000 people in Gaza are in urgent need of food assistance.

Meanwhile rubbish is piling up in the streets with few normal services able to function and rubble lies untouched with no time to clear it up before another attack.

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