Researchers Use Tree Rings To Date Ship Found Buried Beneath 9/11 Site

2014-07-29 27

In 2010 workers digging into the area of the 9/11 site came upon a large wooden boat buried about 20 feet below street level.

In 2010 workers digging into the area of the 9/11 site came upon a large wooden boat buried about 20 feet below street level.

The vessel was sent off to be researched, and the results are finally in.

By studying the tree rings in the wood it’s been determined that the ship was likely built in the Philadelphia area sometime in the early 1770s.

The exact type of tree used in its construction has been identified as white oak, the kind used in parts of Independence Hall, the place where the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were signed.

Over the years other remarkable discoveries about the ship and where it travelled have been made as well.

Among the more perplexing finds is how briefly it was in service.

It appears to have only been sailed for 20 to 30 years before being retired.

Due to the presence of a specific type of worm, researchers believe that while it was on the water it made it all the way to the Caribbean.

Why it ended up where it did remains unknown. One theory is that it was put in a landfill used to fortify the Manhattan shoreline.

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