A high-ranking official of North Korea has threatened the United States with a nuclear attack.
A high-ranking official of North Korea has threatened the United States with a nuclear attack.
Said the military director, "If the US imperialists threaten our sovereignty and survival ... our troops will fire our nuclear-armed rockets at the White House and the Pentagon — the sources of all evil."
He went on to specify that if the United States continues to meddle in North Korea’s development of nuclear weapons there would be extreme retaliation.
The official also accused the United States of increasing tensions on the peninsula shared by North and South Korea.
Further, he said that a series of South Korean and American military drills and the deployment of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier were to blame for the rising anxieties.
As far as the threats being valid, it’s not believed that at this time North Korea has developed a missile with a great enough range to reach the US.
Known testing thus far has only involved weapons capable of reaching closer destinations.
Among them is South Korea, where there are currently over 28 thousand American troops stationed.
This is far from the first threat North Korea has made upon the United States.