''Gays Want to Abolish Age of Consent Laws in order to Prey on Little Children''

2014-07-26 1

Michele Bachmann speaking to Andrew McCarthy...

"This is an effort to have government coerce, force, speech and behavior. And it's being pushed and advocated by the gay community. This is their ultimate goal, is to not allow for diversity of opinion on this issue. Because they don't want to be celebrated, they want to force everyone to not only agree with them, but also have to finance their agenda. They also believe that they have the right, David, to determine on a near daily basis what their agenda is.

Today the big push is on transgender, and so they're continuing to push this down the road. I believe that we're going to see coming an effort for multiples in marriage, not just two, but multiples in marriage, I think they want to legalize that. I think also they want to abolish age of consent laws, which means children — we would do away with statutory rape laws so that adults would be able to freely prey on little children sexually. That's the deviance that we're seeing embraced in our culture today."

"And again, we need to stand up as believers not be afraid to speak the truth. Don't be intimidated. There's no reason to be.
This is something where... our message is to spread goodness and joy and wholeness and healing.
And we do that through a loving God, with a message that frees people. It doesn't enslave people."