The WAN Show: Google Chrome Wasting Battery & iPhone 6 Specs Leaked - July 18th, 2014

2014-07-24 43

WAN Show Document:


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Table of Contents (thanks AmateurPCGuy, DoozyDiglett, Dietrichw, Speedstack79,Windows7323, and Random Person)

0:00:00 They're late... by 5 minutes
0:00:53 Google's 2-step Verification - Linus can't log in on the doc!
0:02:55 Headlines/Intro/Sponsor Spots (Squarespace/Five-Four Club)
0:05:39 iPhone 6 Specs leaked
0:07:00 Discussion: MKBHD's video on iPhone 6's Sapphire Glass Display (Part 1: / Part 2:
0:08:40 Discussion: Phone Resolutions
0:12:07 Five-Four Club Giveaway!
0:13:37 Google Chrome Kills Battery Life
0:18:18 International Tournament 4 to be broadcasted on ESPN
0:25:07 Strawpoll: Does a Televised North American broadcast of a Top-Tier Game like DotA validate gaming as a legitimate mainstream competition? (
0:25:54 Is TV a dying medium?
0:27:14 Josh from Fractal is trying to buy A/C for LMG HQ - Linus is Cheap
0:28:02 #HireBarnacules
0:28:27 Strawpoll Results (
0:30:55 Google+ now lets you use any name
0:33:10 Accounts without real names
0:37:03 Five Four Club Sponsor Spot + Giveaway!
0:37:57 Five Four Censorship - No Nipples pls.
0:41:27 Squarespace Sponsor Spot
0:44:09 Squarespace site Giveaway + Winner (
0:46:45 LG G3... Beat?
0:46:55 HighLANder merchandise all over the web (Buy yours at
0:50:00 LG G3 Beat vs. HTC One mini and One mini 2
0:51:20 The HTC One mini 2 is still a good phone
0:51:41 LG's Skill vs. HTC's Sense
0:54:44 Mozilla is attempting to improve JPEG
0:56:55 Google's WebP format unsupported by most browsers and computers
0:58:40 Adobe Flash Player is terrible and it uses a lot of RAM
0:59:32 Google's Project Ara Dev board ships later this month
1:02:13 Discussion: Improvements in battery technology
1:03:11 Sony and Microsoft might have "early access" games on consoles
1:03:50 Discussion: How different developers are open or closed about the development process
1:05:00 Discussion:Beta access then and now "Is paying for early access games good?"
1:07:44 Another Teespring idea? Beta Access shirts
1:08:50 Worst Comcast Customer service call
1:10:55 Luke's experience with their ISP customer service
1:11:45 Linus' experience with insurance presentations
1:13:55 SanDisk reporting that SSD sales of soared and increasing capacities with flash storage
1:15:03 Microsoft lays off 18,000 employees over the next 6 months... and Barnacules is one of them :(
1:17:20 US Draft Notices sent to men born in 1800s due to the "Millennium Bug" way back Y2K
1:18:55 The Last of Us Remastered lets you lock frame rate to 30fps
1:21:30 Tesla Model 3
1:24:20 ASUS RoG G550JK giveaway - Congratulations Forum User "ShuColate"!
1:27:26 Record for most viewers watching live on the WAN Show at almost 6,000 viewers
1:28:25 Outro