Here's the deal: We've all had a few too many drinks one night and have spent the next day in regret and agony. But have you ever noticed how horny you get even while your body feels like it's falling apart because of all the hooch you drank? Turns out that there are a few reasons why this could be happening, and they might surprise you.
First off, the sauce lowers your inhibitions, so when you wake up the next morning with a bit of booze left in your blood, you're naturally still thinking about sex . On top of that, a research from the University of Washington and the Kinsey institute found that men who had been drinking had much more difficulty controlling their erections. Basically this means a boner can come out of nowhere while you're drunk... or hungover.
There's also the school of thought that says sex can take the pain of a headache away, and let's face it, a real hangover has plenty of headache to go around. Giving your body one of the best feelings possible (sex) during a time of dread (hangover) can help your body cope with the feeling of "I had too much to drink last night."