US Criminal Government: Convenient MH-17 ROADSIDE Black Box (Flight Data Recorder); US-ICBI Program to Frame Russia

2014-07-23 150

[ (Marquis Who's Who In America; Who's Who In Science and Engineering; Who's Who in the World 2014)]

[ (Marquis Who's Who In America; Who's Who In Science and Engineering; Who's Who in the World 2014)]

[ICBI: International Consortium of Central Banks and Industrialists]

“TERRORIST” INSURANCE Ramifications: Malaysian Airlines Terrorist Insurance Claims AND the planned retribution response of US/ICBI/EU against Eastern Ukraine consists of CRIMINAL ACTIVITY…as BOTH “BOEING 777-200ER AIRCRAFT ARE FALSE FLAG OPERATIONS…THE “BOEING 777-200ER” stories consists of ever-expanding LIES.
[PART I: US Criminal Government: FIREBALL? Malaysian Airlines CIA MH-17 IS MH-370; Act II]]

[PART II: US Criminal Government: FIREBALL? Malaysian Airlines Part II (Imagery); MH 370 to MH 17;]

[PART IV: The Convenient Malaysian Airlines ROADSIDE Black Box (Flight Data Recorder):]

Jet Fuel Combustion Temperature: 980 C (1796 F)
Human Skin Combustion Temperature: 760 C(1400 F)
Passport (paper) Combustion Ignition: 249 C nominal (480 F)

NO PHYSICAL IMAGERY; Flying Plane; Missile Track-File

NO PHYSICAL IMAGERY; Flying Plane; Missile Track-File

Just more nonsense from US-CIA and International Consortium of Central Banks and Industrialists (ICBI)...and as a missile defense expert...and listed in Marquis Who's Who in America; Who's Who in Science and Engineering...USAF and USN Research Laboratories...I can say definitively that ANY FIREBALL from an intercept...followed by ANOTHER FIREBALL at ground impact...results in universal combusted debris...NOT WHAT IS PRESENTED BY THIS OBVIOUS US GOVERNMENT FALSE FLAG... (to grab the Ukraine and place NATO on the Russian border).

A CONVENIENT Roadside aircraft "impact"...complete with bodies and pristine passports...miraculously surviving the FIREBALL:

Malaysian former premier accused the CIA spy agency of hiding crucial facts about the destiny of the missing Malaysian Airlines plane:
"The plane is somewhere, maybe without MAS [Malaysia Airlines] markings," he said according to the Sydney Morning Herald.
"It is a waste of time and money to look for debris or oil slick or to listen for pings from the black box".

"For some reason, the media will not print anything that involves Boeing or the CIA..."